Introducing Night School @!

No matter where you’re at in your career, learning something new can help you achieve personal career goals such as earning a promotion or becoming an expert on a certain topic.

Looking for a new job? A unique skill could easily set you apart from the hundreds of other applicants. Worked in the same position for a long time? Expertise in a new field could be the factor that gets you the promotion. And, even if you’re a senior-level manager who’s totally content, getting experience in an unfamiliar area shows your team how much you value growing your job skill set.

Like most other things, though, learning a new skill is easier said than done. Unless, of course, all the resources are handed to you.

Today, we’re doing exactly that. To make sure that you don’t spend hours searching for what to learn and where to learn it, we curated best classes from awesome trainers across the nation.
Join our Night School @ for the latest tech training conducted live by our professional certified trainers.

Whether you’re interested in Microsoft office, programming, web design or cloud technologies there’s bound to be a class for you.

We’ve Moved to a New Office Location

We are proud to announce that effective 8th October 2020, MU DOT MY PLT will be moving to our new and upgraded office in Megan Avenue II, a commercial office building on Jalan Yap Kwan Seng, located within a 5-minute walking distance from KLCC. Our new location sits right in the city center, providing better accessibility to our valued clients.

Read more

WordCamp KL 2018

WordCamp Kuala Lumpur 2018 was held on November 17, 2018. It consists of several presentations among 15 speakers in two different tracks. MU DOT MY proudly organized presented and sponsored this event.

It was a non-formal community-organized event that unites WordPress users just like you and me. Everyone, from casual users to core developers, joined the event and shared ideas to get to know each other.

All WordCamp organizers and speakers are volunteers. Ticket prices help to pay for the cost of the event, but the majority of funding is provided by our generous sponsors

Our trainer, Sam Suresh participated WordCamp KL 2018 as organizer and MU DOT MY PLT as a bronze sponsor.

Here are the beautiful pictures from WordCamp KL 2018!

UiTM ICT Conference 2018

UiTM ICT Conference 2018 was held on 08-09 November 2018 at the Shah Alam Convention Centre and attended by all UiTM  F scheme staffs throughout Malaysia, as well as UiTM Senior Management Council Members, including Dean, Heads of Division and Campus Directors.

Our trainer, Sam Suresh was invited to give a talk in two different tracks which are Track 3: System & Application and Track 4: Collaborations and Productions.

Track 3: System & Application was presented on the first day with the topic: Progressive Web Apps (PWA).

PWAs are web applications that load like regular web pages or websites but can offer the user functionality such as working offline, push notifications, and device hardware access traditionally available only to native applications.

On the second day , with topic Best Practices of Website Management in Track 4 (Collaborations & Productions). 

MU DOT MY PLT booth also has been opened for exhibitions and promotions throughout this 2 days conference.

WordCamp is coming up this 17 & 18 November 2018!


 It’s coming this 17 & 18 November! As we know it is a conference that focuses everything on WordPress.

It was a non-formal community-organized event that unites WordPress users just like you and me. Everyone, from casual users to core developers, participated in the event and shared ideas to get to know each other.

This year, MU DOT MY’s Senior Trainer Sam Suresh is the organizer for WordCamp Kuala Lumpur 2018 and MU DOT MY PLT will be the official sponsor.

MU DOT MY’s booth will be opened on the day. Our team will be ready at the booth to present and explain further about our available products and services. In the meantime, we will be offering special pricing deals and discounts.


Click HERE to purchase! See you there at our booth to grab special prizes!

Mobile Technology workshop at M-CAIT 2018

In collaboration with Malaysia Open Source Community (MOSCMY) and Malaysian Administrative Modernisation and Management Planning Unit (MAMPU) ,the Centre For Artificial Intelligence Technology (CAIT), a centre of excellence at the Faculty of Information Science and Technology, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia has organised THE 4TH INTERNATIONAL MULTI-CONFERENCE ON ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE TECHNOLOGY (M-CAIT 2018).

M- CAIT 2018 Conference takes place at Imperial Hotel, Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia on 1st, 2nd & 3rd of November 2018. The conference covers wide ranges of the topic such as artificial intelligence, semantic technology, ICT solution to the industrial problem, computer vision, machine learning and etc.

Our trainer Sam Suresh, also one of the M- CAIT 2018 Conference’s sponsor, speaks on Mobile Technology which entitled as Hybrid Mobile Application Development For Research.

This is an overview of how to develop mobile apps for multiple platforms by using single codebase.

Photos from MU DOT MY PLT facebook.

Download brochures to learn more about M-CAIT 2018!

Exabytes Designer Club

On Thursday, October 18, 2018, Exabytes has invited our trainer Sam Suresh to present a talk about how to create mobile app easily without programming for their Designer Club. The event was held at Exabytes Office, Setiawalk Puchong, Malaysia.

There were 22 participants from Exabytes Designer Club joining the 2 hours workshop. The workshop started at 9:00 AM.

Sam uses Mobile App Training (Ionic) module during the workshop. Ionic aims to simplify the process of creating apps for numerous platforms, and eliminate the need for duplicating the same code in multiple different languages for different platforms.

Interested to join our Mobile App Training (Ionic) click here.

Judge for Malaysian Website Awards (WMA)

Malaysia Website Awards 2018 (MWA) is a prestigious website awarding program which was organised by Exabytes Group of Companies, a Leading Web Hosting Provider in Southeast Asia.

They seek to recognise and reward the outstanding performance, talent and effort of the best web developers, web designers and web agencies throughout the country. Our trainer, Sam was appointed as the judge for Malaysian Website Awards 2018 (MWA).

Sam is senior technology instructor at MU DOT MY PLT with over 6 years of WordPress teaching experience. He formerly worked for Joomla! CMS Project as Certified Team Leader. Currently, Sam is the WordPress KL Community manager and organises the WordCamps and Meetups at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

MDEC Appointed MU DOT MY PLT to recruit 350 digital marketing lecturers and trainers

MU DOT MY PLT was appointed by MDEC (Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation) to carry out Digital Marketing Training for 350 digital marketing lecturers of Community College and Polytechnic in Malaysia.

The courses that were taught during this Digital Marketing training are Google Analytics Digital Marketing Course and Google AdWords Digital Marketing Course.


Total of 100 participants joined the Google Analytics Digital Marketing course.


Total of 250 participated in Google AdWords Digital marketing.

Upon completion the training, participants seated for examination and given Google Certificate for participants who passed the examinations.

Quotes and comments from students :

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EIMS Conference 2018

Exabytes Internet Marketing Summit 2018 – the 5th grand scale of digital marketing summit was organised by Exabytes Network. It has been organised since 2015 and has brought together 35 digital marketing experts and gurus who shared on their insight and knowledge on marketing trends.


EIMS 2018 was held on 9 August 2018 at the MaGIC Cyberjaya and attended by 800 participants, including owners, entrepreneurs, digital marketing specialist, marketing directors, digital and social media marketers to learning, exchanging views and knowledge in the numerous interactive sessions.

The event was divided into two different stages, the main stage is focusing on presentation and sharing while the workshop stage focusing on hands-on learning.


MU DOT MY PLT joined EIMS 2018 as one of the 19 exhibitors and partners along with MOLPay, iPay88, Mynic, LWE, TIME, Printcious, Gift, Goody25, fonebud, Niche studio, PayHalal, Skytomato and Inspiren. Our trainer, Sam Suresh is one of the lineup speakers for EIMS. Sam is the senior technology instructor at MU DOT MY PLT with over 6 years of WordPress teaching experience. Check out Sam Suresh’s profile in EIMS 2008.


For more details about EIMS 2018, check out official website here.