What is HRD Corp?


Human Resource Development Corporation (HRD Corp) is a government agency under the Ministry of Human Resources through the Human Resources Development Berhad Act, 2001. Employers who are registered and/or incorporated in Malaysia, and is registered with the HRD Corp are eligible to apply for training grants (financial assistance) to finance all or most of the “allowable costs“ employee training.

How to Claim HRD Corp for Our Courses

How to Claim HRD Corp for Our Courses

You need to check with your HR if your company is a HRD Corp registered company in order to get HRD Corp support.

If you are not, you can register as a HRD Corp registered company.

But if your company is a HRD Corp registered company, you can apply and claim for the training grant online.

Please contact HRD Corp for any further questions regarding HRD Corp claim.

All claims are subject to approval by HRD Corp.