EIMS Conference 2018

Exabytes Internet Marketing Summit 2018 – the 5th grand scale of digital marketing summit was organised by Exabytes Network. It has been organised since 2015 and has brought together 35 digital marketing experts and gurus who shared on their insight and knowledge on marketing trends.


EIMS 2018 was held on 9 August 2018 at the MaGIC Cyberjaya and attended by 800 participants, including owners, entrepreneurs, digital marketing specialist, marketing directors, digital and social media marketers to learning, exchanging views and knowledge in the numerous interactive sessions.

The event was divided into two different stages, the main stage is focusing on presentation and sharing while the workshop stage focusing on hands-on learning.


MU DOT MY PLT joined EIMS 2018 as one of the 19 exhibitors and partners along with MOLPay, iPay88, Mynic, LWE, TIME, Printcious, Gift, Goody25, fonebud, Niche studio, PayHalal, Skytomato and Inspiren. Our trainer, Sam Suresh is one of the lineup speakers for EIMS. Sam is the senior technology instructor at MU DOT MY PLT with over 6 years of WordPress teaching experience. Check out Sam Suresh’s profile in EIMS 2008.


For more details about EIMS 2018, check out official website here.

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