iMoot 2017 (#iMoot17)

iMoot 2017 (#iMoot17), the largest, fully online LMS conference will be organised from 18 May 2017 to 20 May 2017 (GMT+8). It is a 52 hours nonstop online conference that brings together the Moodle community around the world without any physical boundaries.

iMoot is a biannual online conference where the Moodle community, practitioners, administrators and decision-makers meet to share the best practice in online learning. Presentations and discussions will be focusing on the Moodle e-learning software including other extensions, plugins and third party software that integrates with Moodle. 

All presentation sessions will be recorded and available for participants to review and discuss via iMoot site and forums. Estimate 300 people from all over the world will be attending the online conference including educators, Moodlers, developers and managers, in education establishments, businesses and government agencies.

Our trainer, Sam Suresh is one of the speakers in the live presentation session of iMoot. He will deliver a topic named ‘Using Moodle as Certification Platform’ to discuss using Moodle as certification platform to run online exams using Safe Exam Browsers and leverage on badges to maintain certified users. Check out Sam Suresh’s presentation profile in iMoot17.

For more details about the iMoot 2017, check out the official website here or follow the twitter hastag #imoot17.

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