Introducing Night School @!

No matter where you’re at in your career, learning something new can help you achieve personal career goals such as earning a promotion or becoming an expert on a certain topic.

Looking for a new job? A unique skill could easily set you apart from the hundreds of other applicants. Worked in the same position for a long time? Expertise in a new field could be the factor that gets you the promotion. And, even if you’re a senior-level manager who’s totally content, getting experience in an unfamiliar area shows your team how much you value growing your job skill set.

Like most other things, though, learning a new skill is easier said than done. Unless, of course, all the resources are handed to you.

Today, we’re doing exactly that. To make sure that you don’t spend hours searching for what to learn and where to learn it, we curated best classes from awesome trainers across the nation.
Join our Night School @ for the latest tech training conducted live by our professional certified trainers.

Whether you’re interested in Microsoft office, programming, web design or cloud technologies there’s bound to be a class for you.

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