Mobile Application Development Training with Ministry of Health

A total of 20 participants from Ministry of Health has participated in Mobile Application Development Training at MU DOT MY PLT Training Centre. This training has been held for 3 days on 14 to 16 November 2016. Training was conducted by our professional trainer.

The main objective for Microsoft Access training is to enable the user to develop mobile application easily WITHOUT PROGRAMMING and export it to 3 different platforms. The applications can be exported to Apple App store, Google Play and Windows Store. Several examples of application that can be developed are eForm Application, Notification Application, Geolocation Application, Multimedia Application, Login Application and many more.

On average, participants are excited about the training organized due to the usefulness of this course and it’s beneficial to those who are directly involved in the control of data acquisition.

Some of the mobile apps screenshots that has been built by MOH participants:

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