MU DOT MY PLT at Google Dance Singapore

On 26th July 2018, our trainer Sam Suresh attended Google Dance that was held in Singapore for the very first time. It was a gathering of website owners, webmasters and web developers, hosted by the Google Search team.

About 200 people from Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam, Thailand, Japan and probably a couple more other countries turned up. It was an afternoon of knowledge sharing by the Google Search team.


The first talk was an introduction by Juan Felipe Rincón (@jfrprr), followed by Gary Illyes (@methode), the Webmaster Trend Analyst at Google.


Stacie Chan (@staciechan), Global Product Partnerships Manager at Google, was the speaker that was talking about Search Partnerships.


Then, Yinnon Haviv, Software Engineer for the Search Console, ran through some features of the new Search Console, and also shared some of the issues the product team faced in developing it.


Lastly, there was a panel discussion that Lucian Teo (@lucian) moderated.

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