Chief Minister and Minister visited MU DOT MY at NHCCE 2023–Northern Region

MU DOT MY recently concluded its participation as an exhibitor at the National Human Capital Conference & Exhibition (NHCCE) 2023 – Northern Region, organised by the Human Resource Development Corporation (HRD Corp). From May 31st to June 1st, 2023, industry leaders, HR practitioners, and professionals gathered to explore the event theme ‘HR 5.0: The Next Evolution in Human Resource Development’.

The event drew nearly 800 delegates from the northern states of Penang, Perak, Kedah, and Perlis. As one of the 50 exhibitors, MU DOT MY embraced this chance to showcase our ICT training to connect with the visitor and address their unique needs.

A highlight on that day was the privilege of hosting Yang Amat Berhormat Tuan Chow Kon Yeow, Chief Minister of Penang and Yang Berhormat Tuan V. Sivakumar, Minister of Human Resources at our booth. Their presence acknowledged and appreciated the contribution of our eLearning startup to the human capital landscape. It reinforced our commitment to providing innovative learning solutions and motivated us to continue pushing boundaries in the industry.

As we bid farewell to NHCCE 2023 – Northern Region, MU DOT MY eagerly anticipates the next edition of NHCCE, set to take place in Kuala Lumpur in October. We look forward to showcasing our eLearning startup’s progress, connecting with industry leaders, and exploring new avenues for collaboration and growth.


In conclusion, participating in NHCCE 2023 – Northern Region has been a memorable and rewarding experience for us. We are grateful for the opportunity. For more upcoming updates, please visit our website at and follow us on


Jom Latih Seminar 2019

Jom Latih Seminar acts as one of the platform for Human Resources Development Fund (HRDF) to engage with its registered employers in providing them with the latest insights and updates on HRDF, a platform to network and exchange of ideas.

The seminar also serves as a platform to provide business matching opportunities between HRDF’s registered training providers and registered employers through the exhibition booth where training providers can showcase their training programmes to HRDF’s registered employers.

The seminar was launched at Berjaya Times Square Hotel on 22 October 2019 with the theme ‘Accelerating Learning’.

MY HRDF at Jom Latih Seminar 2019                                                                                                                   MY HRDF / Facebook

It was a fruitful experience as Jom Latih Seminar provided exposure to connect and engage with professionals as well as provide feedbacks and recommendation to HRDF. This aims to elevate training passion amongst registered employers and training providers with fresh knowledge updates that busy professionals can learn on the go.

Chief Executive of HRDF, Mr. Elanjelian Venugopal                                                                                     MY HRDF / Facebook

All were warmly welcomed with the opening speech by Chief Executive of PSMB, Mr. Elanjelian Venugopal. He said in line with the launching of the new frameworks, Jom Latih Seminar is being held to ensure employers keep abreast with the latest products and services of HRDF, with participation from a variety of companies. He also noted that “HRDF is targeting to train more than a million local employees this year (2019).”

Contestable Training Market Framework

Launching Ceremony of Contestable Training Market Framework                                                             MY HRDF / Facebook

Moving forward, HRDF officially launch ceremony of Contestable Training Market Framework to ensure continuous improvement of HRDF’s training courses and initiatives through a structured evaluation mechanism that can assist in making learning and development more effective and efficient.

MU DOT MY at Jom Latih Seminar

MU DOT MY PLT team at Jom Latih Seminar
MU DOT MY PLT team at Jom Latih Seminar
MU DOT MY PLT team at Jom Latih Seminar

There were human resources managers shown an immerse interest at our booth on e-Learning especially ModernLMS that improve learning engagements among employees. MU DOT MY PLT joined this event as an exhibitor and intended to attend future events such as these in order to strive for continuous support of collaborative learning and education. 

Our main objective is to create an easy understanding of valuable e-Learning platforms to all companies and learning centres in Malaysia. We are equipped with experienced trainers that transform the business to implement digitalisation and improved practices on e-Learning applications with interactive teaching and learning approaches.

Learn what is ModernLMS and unravel advantages of fully customised custom LMS based on World No. 1 LMS engine.

Exabytes Internet Marketing Summit 2019

eims 2019 featured image

Exabytes Internet Marketing Summit 2019 (EIMS 2019) will be held on 8 August 2019 at MaGIC Cyberjaya. This event is targeting more than 1000 attendees and 35 speakers from digital marketing industry.

EIMS 2019 provides a great platform for you to meet the digital marketing experts, gain experience in terms of Digital Marketing and keep you up to date on the cutting-edge marketing trends, tools, platforms, and technologies.

EIMS 2019 Schedule

Three track of programmes will be on-going concurrently on 8 August 2019. Attendees are allowed to choose their favourite speaking sessions to join. 

Our trainer, Sam will be speaking at EIMS 2019 with the topic “Building website with WordPress drag and drop page builder” at 3.20p.m. (Workshop 1).

Why attend EIMS 2019?

Seize the opportunity

Join this event to connect with the eCommerce experts and learn more strategies and solutions, to establish stronger online presence in local and internationally.

Inspirational keynotes

All presentations go through a vigorous review process to make sure they are entertaining, informative and with concrete takeaways that you can put into action as soon as you’re back at work.

Quality, not quantity

Great care is taken to ensure that every single attendee is selected for their relevance, influence and seniority in the industry. Think no recruiters, no media, no trainees, instead, it’s a gathering of the leading executives that matter.

Meet partners

Who knows you might find a right business partner to grow your eCommerce business? Access to exhibition floor to network with the industry peers, to exchange solutions and create possible collaborations.

EIMS 2019 Sponsors

Every year, EIMS have been supported by many sponsors and partners including MU DOT MY PLT. This time, we will take part as a Gold Partner. 

We'll be There!

Besides speaking at EIMS 2019, we also join this event as an exhibitor. Please feel free to visit our booth to get to know more about our Marketing Training (Google Ads, Google Analytics, SEO and MarketPlace) and get swag items from us!

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Exabytes eCommerce Conference 2019


Exabytes eCommerce Conference (EEC) 2019 was successfully organised by Exabytes Network Sdn. Bhd. on 27 June 2019 at MaGIC, Cyberjaya. Many leading brands and eCommerce players join this event for networking, learn and get inspired. EEC 2019 gathered eCommerce players, marketing and technology professionals to focus on the latest trends and the future of eCommerce. There were multiple features for the attendees, professionals, exhibitor for possible collaboration & partnership. 

Key speakers

Chan Kee Siak, Founder & CEO of Exabytes Group starts the main conference with the topic of “Grow global with digital economy”. Then followed by 29 speakers from a local and international business owner who shared their thoughts and minds about the trending topics, eCommerce Strategy 2019 through presentations, panel discussions and workshops.  

Chan Kee Siak CEO Exabytes at EEC 2019
Photo credit: Exabytes

EEC 2019 Crowd

Nearly 800 participants crowded the event venue to learn, network and expand their horizons. EEC 2019 scheduled with many new trending topics and new speakers. Besides, there were 28 exhibitors who presented to the attendees various latest eCommerce tools.

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Crowds in MaGIC, Cyberjaya
Attendees in a workshop
EEC networking lounge
EEC VVIP private lounge

This event comprised of few agendas; Main Conference, Workshop and Networking. Attendees were making EEC 2019 at most. All angles were crowded with people including the main conference, workshop room and networking lounge. 

Sponsors and Partners EEC 2019

Many sponsors and partners collaborating in this event including MU DOT MY PLT. In this eCommerce event, we took part as a Silver Sponsor. As an ICT training provider, we provide WordPress eCommerce Training. During the event, we offered training registration promotion. For those who missed out this opportunity, you still can get 10% off training registration fee, valid till 31 December 2019. Scroll down to get the code!

See more photos of EEC 2019!

What's Next?

Exabytes will be organizing another conference, Exabytes Internet Marketing Summit (EIMS) which will be held on 8th August 2019. EIMS 2019 is targeting for more attendees to be in MaGIC Cyberjaya. We will be there and our speaker will give a talk on WordPress. See you there!

Register for WordPress eCommerce Training Today

Use coupon code EEC201910 and get 10% off. Valid until 31 December 2019.


Join Exabytes E-commerce Conference 2019


Exabytes eCommerce Conference (EEC) is going to happen this June!  This is a platform for you to gain expert insights, and discover key trends in various aspects of digital commerce while meeting industry gurus and peers, and expand your professional network. We hope to see you there!

Who will be attending EEC 2019?

This event suit people who work in the ecommerce industry with the following roles:

Why Attend EEC?

EEC 2019 will focus on growing eCommerce business, trends, marketing strategies and the most notable technologies in this digital era (Automated eCommerce) to ensure online sales growth. 

Any idea can be reality, any small company can be global company. Join this event to connect with the eCommerce experts and learn more strategies and solutions, to establish stronger online presence in local and internationally.

All presentations go through a vigorous review process to make sure they are entertaining, informative and with concrete takeaways that you can put into action as soon as you’re back at work. Guarantee no sales pitch.

Great care is taken to ensure that every single attendee is selected for their relevance, influence and seniority in the industry. Think no recruiters, no media, no trainees, instead, it’s a gathering of the leading executives that matter.

Who knows you might find a right business partner to grow your eCommerce business? Access to exhibition floor to network with the industry peers, to exchange solutions and create possible collaborations. Grab this opportunity to grow your business network!

Photo credit: Exabytes (MY) Official Blog

MU DOT MY PLT is one of the sponsor for this grand event. As an ICT training provider, we provide high quality practical training to government agencies, corporate clients, private sectors, individual and also international clients. We ensure a comfortable learning space for effective delivery, quality and easy interaction with the professional so that you receive a satisfying learning experience!

We also provide WordPress eCommerce Training for those who wants to make great sales. If you have any question about WordPress eCommerce, don’t miss the opportunity to meet us there! 

SHARE This Post to Get Alpha Zone Ticket!

Write a social media post “I want to attend EEC because…”

Please tag us, @mudotmy in Facebook and Twitter, @mudotmyplt in Instagram. 
The most 10 creative caption & tweet & post will get a FREE Alpha Zone ticket (worth RM129/ticket). 

MDEC Appointed MU DOT MY PLT to recruit 350 digital marketing lecturers and trainers

MU DOT MY PLT was appointed by MDEC (Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation) to carry out Digital Marketing Training for 350 digital marketing lecturers of Community College and Polytechnic in Malaysia.

The courses that were taught during this Digital Marketing training are Google Analytics Digital Marketing Course and Google AdWords Digital Marketing Course.


Total of 100 participants joined the Google Analytics Digital Marketing course.


Total of 250 participated in Google AdWords Digital marketing.

Upon completion the training, participants seated for examination and given Google Certificate for participants who passed the examinations.

Quotes and comments from students :

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EIMS Conference 2018

Exabytes Internet Marketing Summit 2018 – the 5th grand scale of digital marketing summit was organised by Exabytes Network. It has been organised since 2015 and has brought together 35 digital marketing experts and gurus who shared on their insight and knowledge on marketing trends.


EIMS 2018 was held on 9 August 2018 at the MaGIC Cyberjaya and attended by 800 participants, including owners, entrepreneurs, digital marketing specialist, marketing directors, digital and social media marketers to learning, exchanging views and knowledge in the numerous interactive sessions.

The event was divided into two different stages, the main stage is focusing on presentation and sharing while the workshop stage focusing on hands-on learning.


MU DOT MY PLT joined EIMS 2018 as one of the 19 exhibitors and partners along with MOLPay, iPay88, Mynic, LWE, TIME, Printcious, Gift, Goody25, fonebud, Niche studio, PayHalal, Skytomato and Inspiren. Our trainer, Sam Suresh is one of the lineup speakers for EIMS. Sam is the senior technology instructor at MU DOT MY PLT with over 6 years of WordPress teaching experience. Check out Sam Suresh’s profile in EIMS 2008.


For more details about EIMS 2018, check out official website here.

MU DOT MY PLT at Google Dance Singapore

On 26th July 2018, our trainer Sam Suresh attended Google Dance that was held in Singapore for the very first time. It was a gathering of website owners, webmasters and web developers, hosted by the Google Search team.

About 200 people from Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam, Thailand, Japan and probably a couple more other countries turned up. It was an afternoon of knowledge sharing by the Google Search team.


The first talk was an introduction by Juan Felipe Rincón (@jfrprr), followed by Gary Illyes (@methode), the Webmaster Trend Analyst at Google.


Stacie Chan (@staciechan), Global Product Partnerships Manager at Google, was the speaker that was talking about Search Partnerships.


Then, Yinnon Haviv, Software Engineer for the Search Console, ran through some features of the new Search Console, and also shared some of the issues the product team faced in developing it.


Lastly, there was a panel discussion that Lucian Teo (@lucian) moderated.

MDEC Acquired MU DOT MY PLT’s training modules

Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation Sdn Bhd (abbreviated as MDEC) previously has required MU DOT MY PLT’s MARKETPLACE MODULE (3 Levels) to be available in 2 Languages, English and Bahasa Melayu.

The module explains what Digital Analytics is.

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Level 1: Google Analytics Beginner modules.

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Level 2 : Google Analytics Intermediate modules.

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Level 3 : Google Analytics Advanced modules.

Besides, MU DOT MY PLT’s training modules will be used by MDEC to recruit IT trainers in the coming years. It will also be used in the public institutions throughout Malaysia.

Google AdWords Marketing Training

On 26 August 2017, MU DOT MY PLT conducted a 2-hour Google AdWords Marketing Training for free at the computer lab of MU DOT MY PLT, Subang Jaya. The training was conducted by our Google AdWords certified trainer, Sam.

This Google AdWords Marketing training is the first step towards digital marketing in Google. During the training, participants learned the concept and fundamentals of Google AdWords. This training is perfect for beginners who want to explore Google AdWords and wish to grow sales online.

A total of 20 participants has participated in the training. At the end of the training, all participants managed to learn the fundamentals of Google AdWords and set up their first Google AdWords account.


Want to Learn More on Google AdWords and Get Certified?​

We offer Google AdWords Training (2 full days) which including unlimited exam attempts & certification by Google. You will learn how to advertise and promote your business on Google by using Google AdWords.

Upcoming Google AdWords Training & Certification: 13-14 September 2017.

For further information:

Contact us [email protected] or 03-8011 6639