Ionic 5 Installation in Windows & Mac

Ionic is a cross-platform that most widely used for building mobile and desktop apps using web technology. Ionic let us create elegant high-quality apps with ease and quickly. Now Ionic come out with new exciting features in Ionic Framework version 5.0.0.

To install ionic, you need to install Node.js on your system. If you had installed before, make sure it is an up-to-date version. You can install it from here

1. Open a terminal window(Mac) or windows PowerShell(Windows).

Test Installation

1. Open Windows PowerShell or Terminal.

2. Write command and enter

3. Your output would be like the example picture below : 6.9.0

4. Write command and press enter

5. Next, you will see your ionic version : v10.16.3

Install Ionic Cordova

1. Open a  Terminal window/ Windows PowerShell and write :

For Mac, and press enter


For Windows, and press enter

Testing Ionic Installation

1.To see your Ionic version, write a command and press enter

Testing Cordova Installation

1. Untuk melihat Cordova version, tuliskan dan tekan enter.

Create New Apps

1. Write a command and press enter
2. To see your new app, write a command and press enter.

3. Name your project (no space no symbol) and press Enter.

4. Choose your starter template as a blank and Enter. Use ‘up’ and ‘down’ arrow key on your keyboard.

5. Write Y for Yes. Your cordova will be installed in your project.

Your new apps is ready!

Preview Your Apps

1. Open a Terminal or PowerShell and write a command and press enter.
2. Change your file directory to the folder that you had created. Write
3. Preview your apps with a command then enter.

4. Write Y for Yes and your Ionic/lab will be installed. Ionic lab gives you to preview your apps.

5. Your preview will be out on your web browser.

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